Can be used for Anthurium, orchid, greenhouse, cactus. Telephone - 0766107453??When buying more than 100 pots, the price will be revised. — in Kurunegala.COCO Coir Pot for Anthurium ,Orchids,and Cactus
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Are you looking to invest in a lucrative and sustainable future? Look no further than our exceptional Agarwood plants!Our premium Agarwood stock offers unparalleled quality:Fast Growth: Get a head start on your Agarwood journey with plants known for their accelerated growth rate.Disease Resistance: Our plants strongly res
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Bing kohomba is a very valuable medicinal plant✅ A very rare plant, this is an indispensable medicine in Ayurveda and traditional medicine.✅ The market value of 1 kg of dry bean sprouts is Rs. 40000 so this can also be grown as an economic crop.✅ There is limited plant migration.✅ Courier facility available
Follow Instructions CarefullyApply Fertilizer in prescribed quantities.Sprinkle evenly over soil.Fork into soil gentlyDo not sprinkle on leaves and stems.For best results apply when soil is moist or water immediately after.Instructions for Fruit Trees - No. 3Apply fertilizer to plant holes before planting at the rate of 100 gr.per hole. Mix well into soil, after planting.
077 601 8494 - Negombo Orchids can be done via currier. One day delivery around Negombo.