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Grow Bags -Seller
Grow Bags Productions/Seller
₨. 200,000
Growth liquid fertilizer
* Improved, Certified Biogenic Green Microbial Technology*Total Colony Count - 3xTen into the power 11 CFU/ml*Tital nitrogen fixing (Azotobacter SPP) - 1xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Total phosphorus (P) Solubilizing bacteria - 3xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Total potassium (K) Solubilizing bacteria - 12xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Pseudomonas SPP - 2xTen into the power 7 CFU/ml*Azopirillum - 4xTen into the power 6 CFU/ml
₨. 750
Pethi Nuga
Pethi Nuga 5 years 10000
₨. 10,000
Epidendrom Courier Availble
₨. 750
CymbidyamCourier Availble
₨. 950
Grow Bags
*** Farming bags required for gardening at the lowest price *** Finishing of high quality.Last long. Available in any quantity required. Delivery to your home within a day of order. Order today. 8cm × 14cm = Rs.5/= 13cm × 20cm = Rs.10/= 17cm × 24cm = Rs. 15/= 20cm × 27cm = Rs. 20/= Call for more information. 070 700 70 60
₨. 5
Etisalat Bonsai
Etisalat Bonsaificus triangularis
₨. 30,000
Box Wood Bonsai
Box Wood Bonsaibuxus harlendiHeight -23cmGrith -10cm
₨. 25,000
Chinese Banyan Bonsai
Chinese BanyanFIcus microcarpaHeight-38cmGrith-13cm
₨. 35,000