Can be used for Anthurium, orchid, greenhouse, cactus. Telephone - 0766107453??When buying more than 100 pots, the price will be revised. — in Kurunegala.COCO Coir Pot for Anthurium ,Orchids,and Cactus
* Improved, Certified Biogenic Green Microbial Technology*Total Colony Count - 3xTen into the power 11 CFU/ml*Tital nitrogen fixing (Azotobacter SPP) - 1xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Total phosphorus (P) Solubilizing bacteria - 3xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Total potassium (K) Solubilizing bacteria - 12xTen into the power 8 CFU/ml*Pseudomonas SPP - 2xTen into the power 7 CFU/ml*Azopirillum - 4xTen into the power 6 CFU/ml