Why does Monstera have holes?

  • 03 Apr 2022
  • Written by : plantsandseeds.biz
  • Views : 923
  • ID : #0050
Why does Monstera have holes?

From young to more mature, Monstera generates ‘Fenestrations’ as it grows.

‘Fenestrations’ means ‘Windows ‘This is the function of those ‘Windows or holes in Monstera leaves too let light through.

There is another reason Monstera develop fenestration as they mature.

In their natural environment Monstera climb trees.

And their leaves are Monstrous. Each new leaf grows slightly larger than the last.

So as the leaves grow larger, In order to let light through to the lower leaves, they develop windows.

‘Fenestrations’ also allow air to pass through giant leaves.

So instead of being ripped to shreds like a sail during high winds, the air flows freely.

We recommend mostly indirect light with a few hours of the direct morning or late afternoon light for optimal Fenestration’s development.


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