What is Kokedama?

  • 22 May 2021
  • Written by : https://www.plantsandseeds.biz
  • Views : 505
  • ID : #0016
What is Kokedama?

What is Kokedama?

 It's no surprise that you want to improve the natural look of your home or office by growing exotic plants and flowers. However, you will notice a difference if you plant a tree in a ball without a container, a pot of soil, and a ball. This is the Kokedama technique, which is used by Japanese people to decorate their homes. This is a very simple method of cultivation, and these are ideal for hanging on walls or other supports, even on the ceiling.

·      Compost

·      Wet Clay

·      Kohubath

·      Pasi or other dried plants

·      Thread, wool, or cloth

 Make the clay ball according to the plant you're about to plant. Mix in equal amounts of dirt, manure, and kohubath. Small plants should be placed in small soil balls, while larger plants should be placed in large soil balls. Create a balm out of a little water for the mixed soil on your palm. Place a few you can also add to the beauty of this by tying it in a way that makes an elegant pattern. With the aid of a thread, this can now be hung on the walls as well as on the shelves. Water can be used to apply these, ′′ Sprayinga small amount to prevent water from spilling. Also, a liquid fertilizer should be sprayed while fertilizing for this. Once a month, on average. This is an environmentally friendly product.

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